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"Kleid - Featured Brand

Kleid is a Columbian based brand started by two childhood best friends that grew up blocks from each other in Barranquilla, Colombia. The two friends started envisioning and designing dresses from one of their living rooms in 2015. Mary Ellen and Maria Alejandra, a lawyer and an interior designer, found a way to fill their lives with their creativity and talent for stand out fashion by creating dresses that fills women with confidence.

 Mary Ellen and Maria decided at a party that they wanted to share their talent with the world and at that moment agreed that the DNA of Kleid would be elegant, comfortable, ageless, timeless dresses designed to make women shine. At Kleid Mary Ellen and Maria Alejandra are dedicated to their mission of reinventing the dresses to be its own fashion statement. Come by and see for yourself why we love Kleid and the mission behind their brand!

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